b'SELECTION STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsRed Flag or Green Light?Deciphering the Signals your Candidate SendsBy Kate RehlingN avigating through the selec- up without even knowing the tion process to find the nextbasics about your company or strong addition to your teamthe role theyre applying for, can feel like navigating through anit shows a lack of interest and obstacle course. The direction thatcommitment. Its a surefire red seems like a safe bet may be miredflag that the candidate will also with hidden traps. The directionshow up to meet with their pros-Kate Rehling that makes your internal red flagspects and clients unprepared!Talent Analyst/ go up could be just as dangerous,Inconsistent or vague answers: Engagementthough. How do you know what the Specialist, The Centerright decision is? Integrity should be the name for Sales Strategy andof the game. If a candidate is Up Your Culture Lets walk through some commonunsure how to answer one of red flags and green lights hiringyour questions, they need to managers experience with candi- ask for clarification. A candi-dates. They may not always be whatdate who values honesty may they appear to be. also tell you, I dont know how Red Flagsto answer that question. You wouldratherhavesomeone It is easy to overlook red flags if yourwho is transparent than dishon-spidey senses arent trying to senseest.the right things! Poor face-to-face communica-Lackofpreparationortion: If someone isnt connect-research: If a candidate showsing with you through their body 70 Red Flag or Green Light? Deciphering the Signals your Candidate Sends'