b'RESOURCESLeveraging AI to Revolutionize Talent ManagementEnhancing Recruitment, Selection, Development, and EngagementI n todays business landscape,Recruitment and talent is an essential asset for organizationalsuccessandSelection:companies are increasingly turn- AI can be utilized in various stages ing to artificial intelligence (AI)oftherecruitmentprocessto to streamline and optimize theirstreamline operations, improve talent management processes.efficiency, and make better-in-From recruitment and selection,formed hiring decisions. HeresStephanie Stollto employee development andhow AI can be incorporated intoDirector of Learning engagement, AI offers innovativedifferent phases of recruitment: and Development, solutions that can revolutionizeThe Center for Sales how organizations attract, nur- Sourcing:AI-poweredtoolsStrategyture, and retain top talent. can help in sourcing candidates 144 Leveraging AI to Revolutionize Talent Management'