b'ENGAGEMENThard-wired within you. You have the power to change HOW OFTEN DOES YOUR MANAGER DOyour mindset over time, and your mindset sets the WHAT THEY SAY THEY WILL DO? tone for the team and influences the culture around you. Building trust means choosing to adopt and Always: 50% maintain a mindset that is people-first. Listen to learn, avoid assumptions, and give more than you take.Sometimes: 43% Where Do We Rarely: 6% Go From Here? Never: 1%THREE LEVELS OFCulture should be EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT a top priority.When you engage your team, you grow your business. 1.But to better engage your team, you must commit to Direct Supervisors EngagedTrust, like communication, is a two-way street andimproving your culture. That means you most likely Actively working to create includes the level of faith leaders have in their peopleneed to implement change. Effective change is diffi-aspark and constantlystoking the re.to accomplish their job duties. Concerningly, only 50%cult. It takes a common, concerted effort over time.of respondents say they can always count on their manager to do what they say they will do. That is an 2.Not Engaged Only 15% of organizations are successful at changing 8% decrease from 2023.Making no e\x1eort, feettheir cultures. Too many jump into trying to implement When an employee joins an organization, its safe to kicked up.assume they can always count on their manager to dochange before spending time on the planning steps what they say they will do. After all, they dont havethat are critical to success. So remember, its okay to any experience to prove otherwise. With that in mind,start small.3.Actively Disengagedits truly surprising to learn that 36% of new employ- When you get the culture piece right, employees will ees (0-6 months) report that they cant always count Dumping water on the reand removing logs. become emotionally invested in their work. Through on their manager to follow through Title, role, work model, and tenure asideeveryonetheir engagement they will remain steadfast to your deserves to work in a place where people can trustorganization, maximize their talents, and reach their each other. Among countless other benefits, trustfull potential.reduces workplace stress, promotes fearless change,Interested in learning more? In ENGAGE 2024: The and leads to better teamwork and collaboration. AsCompany Culture Report, we provide you exclusively manager, its also important to remember that trustwith all of the data and insights from our 2024 survey, has a proven impact on the level of influence you havefollowed by expert strategies to help improve overall on others. Low trust means low influence. culture and boost employee engagement.Company Leaders When we look through a broader lens at trust in com-pany leaders, the news isnt much better. Once again, its clear that it all starts at the top. While 70% of respondents trusted their company leaders last year, only slightly over half (57%) report trusting their company leaders today To shift the narrative, organizations need to develop a people-first mindset. Mindset isnt something thats ENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture Report 117'