b'DEVELOPMENT1.1. Prioritizing Managers : 6.Recognition :Companies will recognize that managers needCompanies will consider how they can more skill development as much as employeesfrequently recognize the good work people are because when a manager lacks the right skills,doing using internal emails, social media shout-everyone lower in the chain of command suf- outs, meeting announcements, handwritten fers. Without skilled managers, employees arenotes, video messages, surprise deliveries, and 4x more likely to quit. even opportunities for more development. When people receive recognition for their work, they want to repeat the positive behaviors that led to 2.Training Investment :success, which increases both productivity and More than ever, employees will perceive train- performance.ing and development as an investment in them. Companies will seek to prove that development7.Strength Development :is important to them by providing a pleth- Companies will adopt a big-picture mindset and ora of opportunities for upskilling and careerfocus on building Talent Focused Organizations. advancement. They will use their understanding of strength management to maximize the unique strengths of 3.Individualized Approach : each employee and support them as they con-Managers will use custom-tailored trainingtinue to develop themselves and improve their rather than a one-size-fits-all approach toperformance.bridge the learning gap and more quickly turn their training into performance improvement. 8.Agility :Organizations will prioritize agility and continuous 4.Professional Development : learning since employees today need to adapt quickly to changing environments and acquire Companies will adopt a more holistic approachnew skills on the fly.to professional development. Training and continuous learning programs will be essential to attract and retain talent in an ever-changing9.Onboarding :work environment. Companies will make a significant shift in onboarding strategies, emphasizing personal-ization and overall employee engagement and 5.Conflict Resolution : experience. Integrating AI into the onboarding Company leaders will seek training to helpprocess will enable companies to cater to the them navigate and manage interpersonal con- unique learning styles, career backgrounds, and flict among employees and grow their organi- preferences of new hires to enhance engagement zations. Although conflict resolution is not anand effectiveness.intuitive skill, a recent Gartner survey found that 57% of managers say they are fully respon- 10. Employee Motivation :sible for managing and resolving team conflicts.With a melting pot of generations in the work-Most have not been trained to be effectiveforce, organizations will have to be more inten-and are also contending with the fact that theirtional. Employers will pay more attention to what companies have kept contentious topics outdrives those in the younger generations like career of the workplace, which puts them behind theadvancement, purpose, and compensation, so curve. employee motivation will need to be tailor-fit. Development Trends 83'