b'SELECTIONHow we help with SELECTIONBest-In-Class TalentJob Analysis and Spec SheetAssessments This tool allows you to identify exactly which Our validated talent assessments allow youtalents, skills, and experience levels you are to identify those who have the innate talentslooking for in your next new hire so you set you need so you can bring people on boarda strong bar and for hiring and then reach it.who have the potential for excellence. These assessments will also provide a clear under-standing of their unique strengths and weak- Talent Feedback and nesses so you can coach them to reach their full potential. CoachingOnce a candidate completes a talent assess-ment, schedule a pre-hire feedback call with a certified Talent Analyst to discuss strengths, TalentCoach weaknesses, and coaching strategies to maxi-Our cutting-edge AI will provide you withmize their success.answers to your selection questions as well as strategies you can use to ensure you make smart selection decisions. Team CompositesTake a look at talent through the lens of your entire team to identify common areas Additional Interviewof strengths and weaknesses, helping you Questions ensure your new hire has the right Talent and Utilize these talent theme-related questionsFit.to better understand what a candidates strengths and weaknesses will likely look like on the job. Elevate ProgramOur Up Your Culture ELEVATE Program will help you to identify and live by your core Fit Interview Questions values, so the best candidates for the job will These top interview questions will help you toeagerly raise their hands to be a part of your uncover the information you need to deter- mission.mine whether a candidate is the right fit for you, the product, your team, your organiza-tion, and your culture.78 How We Help with Selection'