b'ENGAGEMENTSUPERHEROENGAGEMENTNuggets of Knowledge from our Caped CrusadersWhich talent tools and resources do you find most Talent Superhero Award winnersbeneficial to developing your weigh in on how they increase employee engagement anddirect reports and why?improve retention.Allison DelagrangeGeneral Sales Manager, Federated Media, Fort Wayne, IN closingthesale.Andasthosecoach is the one who gets in the We all know how tough it is to findthings happen, celebrate with thewater with them. He comes along-top talent, so Ive been really inten- account executive! Ive found thatside his athletes, provides timely tional about a couple of things theaccountexecutivesstaymuchfeedback, and demonstrates when past year to help retain superstars.more motivated when Im noticingnecessary. As a sales coach, that One of those is helping accountnot just the big wins but also themeans that I am spending time executives break down the bigsmall ones! in field with my account execu-goals into smaller ones. So if theThe other thing Ive focused ontives, providing insight into what main goal is to exceed the reve- is this key phrase that Ive heardtheyre doing well and where they nue budget, for example, talk tofrom the team at CSS, and thatscan improve. I strive to be like that the account executive about allthe statement that good leadersinspiring swim coach who doesnt the activities that need to happenfocus not just on managing butjust shout orders from a chair but along the wayeverything thaton coaching. My kids are compet- dives into the water alongside the happensbetweenidentifyingitive swimmers, and my daughteraccount executives to help them quality prospects to ultimatelyrecently told me that her favoriteachieve their goals.108 Superhero Engagement'