b'DEVELOPMENThad already established a strongmentions, You walk into it with theTaking someone who is highly tal-foundation with his team, but hisfeeling of, yeah, I know my strengthsented, providing them with tools natural talents gave him the desireand I try to suppress my weaknessesandtechniquestocontinueto to continually push for excellence.but this gives you an entirely differ- develop their talents, and coach-360 Leadership Coaching providedent perspective on things. ing them along the way is the true him with additional tools to helpBased on the survey results, theopportunity to exemplify the ROI of accomplish this goal. Executive Coach develops a strate- focusing on strengths.gic growth and coaching plan. ThisAfter his survey discussion, Norm How It Worksplan supports the continued use ofelected to spend much of his coach-CSSs 360 Leadership Coachingisthe strengths others are seeing, ining time focused on the talent of an executive coaching programaddition to bridging the gaps whereRelationship. Although his team that uses performance survey data,strengths are underutilized. Aftersaw this talent in action, he was combined with a talent assessment,six months of ongoing coaching, astill fairly new to his role, so it was tohelpleadersmaximizetheirsecond survey is administered tovitally important that he continued strengths and improve team per- measure results and analyze growth. to build upon the solid foundation formance. When speaking about 360 Leader- hed already established. Every ship Coachingin its entirety, Normperson is different. Everyone has It begins with a validated talenttheir strengths, their weaknesses, assessment specifically catered tosays, This program is so robust and their own buttons to push. Not the individuals current job role.filled with really good informationeveryone is built like me, recalls The assessment identifies innatefrom top to bottom. InformationNorm when asked why he chose strengths and pinpoints potentialabout yourself, about your talents,this area of focus.avenues for growth. An Executiveyour style, and how to use that to Coach then meets with the individualmotivate others and help them beOne of his first coaching strategies to walk through their top strengthsproductive and happy in the work- was to conduct Growth Guides and identify the greatest opportuni- place. with all of his direct reports. This ties to leverage them. The scienceallowed him to really hone in on the behind this is clear. You really walk360 Leadershiptypes of relationships and coaching every person on his team desired. away going wow, says Norm. Coaching in Action Armed with this knowledge, Norm The next step is a 360 survey spe- JC alluded to Norms level of talent,had the ability to encourage each cifically designed to measure howandhewascertainlycorrect.of his direct reports in the way that othersseeanindividualstopAfter receiving Norms first survey strengths in action. Since leverag- results, it was clear that his direct ing strengths is the most effectivereports and his peers were already way to achieve growth, its import- seeing his top talents in action. This ant to understand how others seeis where the magic of 360 Lead-these strengths playing out. Normership Coachingreally happens. When you align the right talent to the right job role and provide appropriate coaching, the return on time investment is huge. When we focus on helping talented people grow their strengths, the potential for growth is up to Norm Levyten times their current performance. General Sales Manager, CMG OrlandoThe ROI of Focusing on Strengths: 360 Leadership Coaching95'