b'DEVELOPMENTElevate Program tool that will help you uncover what makes Our two-year program includes workshops,each person tick, what motivates them, and one-on-one coaching, employee engage- goals theyve set for themselves.ment surveys, live webinars, and a toolboxField Coachingof resources to help you activate the talents of your employees, so they reach their fullThe best managers know you cant coach potential in their jobs.from the locker room. We provide you with the Field Coaching Fundamentals and Field Up Your Culture ExecutiveCoachs Notes you need to grow your people Workshop rapidly.Designed to meet you where you are onIndividualized Focus your culture journey, our culture experts willtakeleadersthroughourprovenMeetingsprocess to identify your organizations coreWe help you to consider the unique needs values and define your reason for being.and talents of each individual and the type of agenda that will ensure your Individualized ToolsFocus Meetings are always highly effective.TalentCoach Onboarding PlanOur cutting-edge AI will provide you on-the- With a customizable onboarding checklist, we spot answers to your questions so you canhelp you put an effective onboarding plan in better coach and develop your people to theirplace that will guide you with each hire you full potential. makeTop Talent Report Online LearningProvide each of your people with information on their top five talents, along with fifteenEffective Onboardingactionable strategies they can use to fullyThe Effective Onboarding course guides activate their talents and reach their truemanagers to build a detailed and customized potential. onboarding checklist and develop a clear Growth Guide roadmap for ongoing growth.TheGrowthGuideisarelationship-development and performance-improvement How We Help with Development 103'