b"ENGAGEMENTShared Mission: Reason for Being,1 in 10 Core Values, and Visionrespondents dont feel a sense of A strong Shared Mission is a strong foun- purpose in the work theyre doing dation.A Shared Mission is the foundation of a thriving cul-ture that leads to engaged employees. Its composed of three pieces: your why, your how, and your where.WHY: Your Reason for BeingRESPONDENTS WHO FEEL Your Reason for Being states your companys purposeA SENSE OF PURPOSE IN and describes why the work you do is so important. ItTHEIR WORKwill guide, inspire, and rally employees to join a cause greater than themselves.Although more people are physically present in theNearly 1 in 5 office this year, the overall sense of purpose peoplenew employees report feeling no feel has dropped by 4% year-over-year. 1 in 10 respon- sense of purpose in their work YES: 95%dents now report they lack a sense of purpose in the work theyre doing. Sadly, these people feel as though theyre just a cog in the wheel, going through the motions. THREE LEVELS OF NO: 5%This number doubles for new employees within an orga- EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTnization. Nearly 1 in 5 employees who have been with their organization for under 6 months report feelingMost organizations have core values proudly displayed no sense of purpose in their work! Its highly unlikely1.Engagedpeople are accepting jobs for which they feel no pur- on their walls, on their website, and in company market-Actively working to create ing materials. 90% of companies have established Core pose, particularly within the current candidate-drivenaspark and constantlyValues, and 80% of those companies have their Core market. Understanding why the sense of purpose forstoking the re.these new employees is lost so quickly will be key toValues published somewhere publicly. Even so, 56% of furthering culture and engagement. front-line employees either cant recall their compa-2.Not Engagednys Core Values or arent even aware they exist. And HOW: Your Core Valuesthat number jumps even higher for new employees. Making no e\x1eort, feet Your Core Values are the rules of the game and include63% of those employed 6 months or fewer arent able kicked up.how your team treats each other, works together, andto recall their companys Core Values completes assigned duties. Core Values arent just lim-THREE LEVELS OFNow, imagine you stopped a random employee in the ited to what happens inside the doors of your company;hall and asked them for a story that supports the com-EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT 3.Actively Disengagedpanys Core Values. If you are met with blank stares, Dumping water on the reThe majority silence, or What did you say?, those values are not and removing logs.1.Engaged being lived in the business. What do the rules of the of front-line game really mean if no one is abiding by them? If Actively working to create employees can't leaders arent bringing people on board who align, and aspark and constantlyTHREE LEVELS OF recall their company'sthose same people arent held accountable for their stoking the re.EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTCore Values. missteps, culture, and employee engagement at your company will suffer.2.Not Engaged WHERE: Your Vision they also extend to the service and interactions you 1.Making no e\x1eort, feetYour vision is where you see your company in the future Engagedhave with customers.kickActived upely w. orking to create aspark and constantlystoking the re. ENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture Report 1133.Actively Disengaged2.Dumping water on the re Not Engagedand removing logs.Making no e\x1eort, feet kicked up.3.Actively DisengagedDumping water on the reand removing logs."