b'SELECTIONhow little positivity they had. "Focus on understanding how a With your team composite in hand, think about the talents your newnew team member would shape hire needs to align with the team, but also think about the talentsor contribute to the existing youd like to add to your team. culture of a team and how the Here are a few things to consider: team dynamics might be affected." Competition: A team of strong competitorswillbefocused on winning, personally and as a team. A new hire with softthe talents you are looking for to beductivity soars, employee engage-competition may see them assuccessful, and can you help themment rises, and success follows.mean and be uncomfortablework around their weaknesses? Hiring someone who fits well into on the team, and they may seeThe most successful leaders knowyour companys culture is like find-that new hire as unmotivatedtheirownstrengthsandweak- ing the missing piece of a puzzle. and lazy. nessesandhavelearnedhowWhen employees align with the Work Ethic: To a team of hardthese relate to leading a team.organizations values and mission, workers who enjoy work andThink about the traits and talentsthey become more engaged, com-dontshyawayfromlongeryou work well with when it comesmitted, and invested in its success. hours, someone with soft Workto your team. And equally import- Studies have shown that culturally Ethic may appear slow, leisurely,ant, think about the traits or talentsaligned teams are up to 30% more or downright lazy. that you simply cant work with. Isproductive and have a 40% lower curiosity a must-have or an annoy- turnover rate than teams with poor Positivity: A positive, upbeatance? What about a strong ego?cultural alignment.team needs more positivity, notDo people need to be assertive toThe key is to focus on hiring people less. A person with soft positiv- stand up to you, or do assertivewho will fit with your organiza-ity is more likely to complain andpeople rub you the wrong way? tion and enhance your culture. Its may have a negative approachForadeeperinsightintoyourimportant to note that this doesnt to problems. Simply put, thestrengths, review your Top Talentmean hiring people who are all the team may not like them. Report and consider how you seesame. People who are aligned with Talent Intensity: What otheryour top talents shining through inyour core values but come from talents are strong or weak onthe work you do. diverse backgrounds will contrib-your team overall? Intense tal- ute to a stronger team.ents typically need to align with3. Know your culture.your new hires talents, whileEvery company has a culture, butConclusionteam weaknesses can some- the best cultures are intentional,The better you understand your times be assisted by a talentedand leaders only bring people onteams strengths, weaknesses, and new hire. board who are culturally aligned.culture, the more intentional you 2. Know yourself. Culture alignment refers to thecan be in the selection process. harmonious match between a can- By selecting strong new hires that As a leader, you will need to owndidates values, beliefs, work ethic,fit, youll create a strong team a new hires strengths and weak- andcommunicationstylewiththat continually adds to your thriv-nesses. The most talented personthose of the organization. Whening culture. Get started on your can be a poor hire if you cant trainteams share a common purposepath to better hiring and watch and coach them. So, do they haveand work together cohesively, pro- your team flourish.The Team Equation: The Importance of Fit in New Hire Decisions 69'