b'INTRODUCTIONdiscovered that the lack of diversity was heavily influ- exhausting, and Gary was constantly stressed under the enced by not having good public transportation to andweight of the demanding pressures. He was a sharp from this suburban corporate office. They partneredTechnology Transformation executive. However, he with a bus system to change its scheduled stops to alignwas new to his role and new to global. And worst yet, more closely with train schedules and work timeframes.he had inherited a failed system in South Africa that Another womens group offered a cafeteria Help Deskwas hemorrhaging $2 million each month. Being overly concept but instead of bringing iphones and laptops,focused on his weaknesses, he was sabotaging the best they encouraged business cases and proposals andof his efforts. When he arrived in Johannesburg, he was helped infuse these with metrics, research, and data inout of ideas. He couldnt keep up the pretense that he a hands-on approach. had all the answers and that he could figure it out on his Mentoring, in all of its facets, fosters inclusion andown. Being authentic and vulnerable, he stepped into champions the best of learning from each other in ahis strengths of listening well and facilitating an internal multi-dimensional communication: Mentor to Mentee,client inquiry. Rather than having to have the answers, Mentee to Mentor, Mentees to Mentees, Mentees tohe instead asked good questions. In one afternoon, he Mentors, or vice versa. and his corporate delegation had gained a good under-standing of the true needs. This global business unit My final question got to the heart offelt heard for the first time, and within the week, they had collectively rebuilt their technology roadmap. They talent and how an individuals uniqueclosed the gap on a few immediate issues, and the com-strength profile plays a key role in theirplete turnaround was realized 13 months later.success.Understanding unique behavioral styles and embrac-How do an individuals innate talents and uniqueing strengths helps leaders work more effectively with behavioral style affect their performance and poten- others, navigate challenges together, and achieve goals tial for growth? more quickly. Those who can adapt their styles situa-From R|Ls research with our Behavioral IQ assessment,tionally are more likely to excel in their roles. With con-we have found that individuals will always be the stron- fidence, individuals are able to realize more of their full gest leaders when they lead from their natural styles.potential and continue on a personal and professional Playing to their strengths as their greatest areas fortrajectory of new opportunities and enrichment. Focus-growth, these strengths become a predictable parting on the greater good of the organization, they deliver of their performance. They are much more likely toagainst their goals of growth and profitability.excel at their work and to be energized by the workWhen it comes to organizational leadership, innate itself. Grounded in their authentic selves, they becometalent is simply table stakes. Nobody makes it to that emboldened to access core strengths and values. Theylevel in their career without a lot of talent. Its the devel-know what drives and motivates themselves and others.opment of that innate talent and the intentional focus Teams consider how to leverage their strengths toon strengths that leads to performance growth and improve synergies, influence, and team effectiveness. achievement. No different than any other role in the Gallup research found that when utilizing key strengths,organization!leaders were 6x more likely to be engaged in their jobs.-At the same time only 20% of employees felt that theirWe are thrilled to work with Carolyn Lowstuter and the top strengths were in play within the organization everyR|L team of executive coaches to help organizations day. recruit, select, develop, and engage top performers That was the case for Gary, who was trying too hard tofrom the executive level to the front line so they can emulate his bosss behavioral and operating style, anddrive performance.it came across as unnatural and forced with his team of 20. He struggled to pull off a commanding tone in cast-ing a dominant vision at a large town hall. The pace was A Conversation With Key Executives11'