b'SELECTIONlanguage, asking follow-up ques- red flags, lets shift our focus to theyou sense youre getting less than tions, and reading the room,positive! Keep an eye out for thesetheir very best, always reflect on it isnt something that will getgreen lights. what that means youll get once better with time. Contrary toDiscussespersonalgoals:they start working for you.popular belief, emotional intel- Someone with a strong under-ligence is a talent that is hard- standing of their personal goalsBest Practiceswiredinsomeoneataveryand how to achieve them willNow that weve gone through some young age. Dont overlook thisnaturally set stretch goals forcommon red flags and green lights, red flag by thinking its a skill youthemselves. Look for candidateshere are a few selection best prac-can help develop over time. who demonstrate self-motiva- tices:Lack of enthusiasm: The inter- tion and a proactive mindset.Take notes: During the inter-view is the first opportunity youThose are sales talents that cantview, jot down your red flags have to get a taste of someonesbe taught! and green lights. You may think ability to influence others. AAsks thoughtful questions: Ayoull remember, but interviews candidates sales talents shouldcandidate who asks intelligenthappen frequently. Its easy to shine through during the inter- questions is someone who hasforget! Notes help you compare view process. By the end, youthought deeply about the rolecandidates later and make more should be completely sold onand your company. Their ques- informed decisions.them.Notfeelingthatway?tions will also show you what is Dont make the mistake andimportant to them in their nextUse behavioral-based ques-think its just because of some- position. tions:Askcandidatesabout ones nerves. Do you reallytheir past experiences and use want a salesperson who cantProvides specific examples: Talkbehavioral-based questions to even sell themselves? is cheap - actions speak louder. Auncover their ability to solve candidate who can back up theirproblems, maneuver, and adapt.Unreliable work history: Thisclaims with concrete examples one is pretty obvious, but itsof past successes and achieve- Conduct thorough reference still overlooked quite often. Bements is someone with a provenchecks: Dont skip the reference cautious if a candidate has atrack record. If you arent receiv- check! Any red flags that didnt track record of jumping froming specific examples during thecome out through the interview job to job. This could be a signinterview, consider respondingprocess will typically come out that someone is uncomfortablewith, Tell me more becauseduring your reference checks. with the status quo and alwayssomeone with a proven trackThe best reference checks arent looks for the next best thing.record will! limited to those a candidate pro-How long will they commit tovides. Do a little research within you before they find somethingFollow-up after the interview:your network to see who you newer and shinier? A follow-up interaction is a solidand the candidate may know in green light. You expect your sell- common. Pro Tip: Your first impression of aers to follow up with their pros-candidate will almost always be thepects and clients, so a strongConclusionsame first impression your pros- candidate should always followBy recognizing red flags and green pects and clients walk away with.up with you. Bonus points iflights during the interview process, Dont make excuses for someone;someone tries to narrow youyou can make more informed hiring instead, focus on the impressiondown on a specific hiring time- decisions. Every hire you make will they made on you. linethat means theyre eagereither add to or detract from your Green Lights to join your team! team. Do everything you can to Pro Tip: During an interview, youensure youre bringing the best Now that weve highlighted theshould get someones very best. Ifpeople on board!Red Flag or Green Light? Deciphering the Signals your Candidate Sends 71'