b'SELECTIONSuperhero selection Experts"Were always looking to recruit and hire candidates who will lift the overall team. We want to add someone to the team who puts us in a position to embrace growth,alexinstead of someone who is a riskZagrynto setting us back in any way. Players want to play with players, and coaches want to coach coachable players." CarrieberkbueglerAngelina Rosario I also take into account their expe-Director of Sales, Cox Media Group,rience and track record in over-Miami, FL coming challenges. I thoroughly First, I arrange a panel interviewreviewtheirpastaccomplish-with 2 or 3 individuals from ourments and use that as a gaugeangelinaorganization whose input I respectof their ability to handle therosarioand value to gather diverse per- specific obstacles we are cur-spectives and insights about eachrently facing. candidate. Leslie TalanskyDuring the panel interview, I payVice President, Cox Media, Californiaclose attention to how the candi- For me, being qualified is great, dates talents align with our teamsbut our deciding factor is culture needs. I consider the gaps we mayfit. Our candidate has to be ablelesliehave in our current skill set andto deliver on our mantra, Creat- talanskyevaluate how each candidates abil- ing Meaningful Connections both ities can complement and enhanceinternally and externally.our teams overall effectiveness.Superhero Selection 57'