b'RECRUITMENTLesson 2: to greater employee engagement,knowledgefromsomeoneyou Dont Compromise onincreased productivity, and highermay not have thought to connect Your Must-Haves revenue. with before.Identifying the right talents, skills,Assess cultural alignment duringRemember, the more information and experience is crucial whenthe interview process by utiliz- you have, the more informed your building a high-performing team.ing questions that probe into thehiring decision will be.Equally important is refusing tocandidates values and beliefs. For compromise on those things whenexample, if one of your Core ValuesLesson 5:it comes time to hire someone foris Integrity, consider asking, TellAlways Create a Positive the position. me about a time you witnessedCandidate ExperienceTalent bank deposits will comesomeone do something againstEverycandidatesexperience with many different combinationscompany policy. with your organization matters, of talents, skills, and experiences.If the candidates answer is theyregardless of whether or not the Talent is someones innate ability;brushed it under the rug, or worse,candidate is selected. If you do a it doesnt change over time, and itthe person got away with it - sogreat job, candidates will feel pos-can be measured through a vali- they followed suit - thats NOT theitive about your company and may dated talent assessment. Skills andcultural alignment youre lookingeven share those positive feelings experience are learned and gainedfor. Its time to move on from thatwith others. If you do a poor job, over time. candidate! candidates will also share their For example, imagine youre hiringfeelings with others, but theyll someone who will primarily haveLesson 4:be negative feelings that have a a new business development role.References Arent Limitedpoor impact on your companys A must-have may be the talentto What the Candidateemployer brand.ofRelationship,sotheyeasilyProvides By creating a positive candidate and quickly connect with others.Weveallbeeninthepositionexperience throughout the hiring Itwouldbewonderfuliftheyto provide someone with refer- process, your organization will came in with a strong network ofattract top talent and build a rep-prospects and had a backgroundences to check. More than likely,utation as an employer of choice. knowledge of the industry, butyou chose people who you KNEWThink of your job candidates not those two things arent deal break- would sing your praises, no matterjust as future employees, but also ers. They could be acquired overwhat. Candidates are doing theas referral sources, customers, and time with experience within yoursame thing. References a candi- marketers.organization. date provides are certainly worth checking, but the most valuableConclusionDetermine your talent, skills, andreferences you can check are those experiencemusthavesandthat arent listed on the resume. Hiring a new employee is a tough never compromise on them. job! An even tougher job is bring-Always consider connecting withing the wrong person on board Lesson 3: someones previous colleaguesand trying to manage someone Cultural Alignment Cantand managers. They can providewho simply doesnt align with your Be Overlooked valuableinsightsintoacandi- team. Be proactive and put in the dates soft skills, motivations, andnecessary effort throughout the Cultural alignment plays a signif- compatibility with your team. Itshiring process to ensure youre icant role in the success of youralso helpful to dig into your ownbringing the right people on board. team. Hiring candidates who alignnetworkofpeople.Oddsare,As Jim Collins said, People are not with your organizations Reasonyou can play 6 Degrees of Kevinyour most important asset. The for Being and Core Values can leadBacon and gain some additionalright people are.The MOST Important Lessons Every Manager Needs to Learn 45'