b'DEVELOPMENTprovide contact information. Arrival Announcement Ongoing SupportOnboarding Essentials First-Day Greetings: Let every- Work Buddy Check-In: Arrange one know when to expect andfor their work buddy to check in Assign a Work Mentor/Buddy:greet them on their first day. with them, answer questions, Assign them a work mentor/ TeamIntroduction:Lettheand provide their own perspec-buddy who can help them navi- team know when the new hiretive.gate their onboarding. is arriving and when/where theyFeedback and Adjustments: Access to Onboarding Mate- should meet. Ask them for feedback on their rials: Give them access to yourDigital Introduction: Add theonboarding so far and make companys onboarding materi- new hires name and photo- adjustments if needed.als (preferably online). graph to the marquee or digitalInitial Measures of Success: Organizational Information:screens, and if remote, haveDefineandsharetheinitial Provide an org chart or teama virtual coffee time with themeasures of success for the roster with names and photos. team to introduce your new30-day mark.First-DayLogistics:Providehire. Scheduled Check-Ins: Schedule information on where to park,First-Day Activities a 30, 60, and 90-day check-in on whichentrancetouse,andyour calendar to recognize suc-who to contact when they firstCasualMorningMeeting:cesses and identify areas where arrive. Arrange for a casual coffee,they may need additional help.Dress Code Guidance: If appli- tea, or light breakfast with theirRole Understanding Appoint-hiring manager, team, and com- ments: Have them schedule cable, provide information onpany leadership for introduc-the employee dress code withtions. short appointments with key specific details and examplestaff members you assign to photos. Office Tour: Determine who willbetter understand their role give them a tour of the officeand build a list of questions they Post-Arrival Messages: Addand provide details like securitycan ask. Debrief after.to your calendar to send shortcodes. CompanyCultureInsights: messages after they arrive, likeTeam Lunch: Plan a casual teamGive them the information they We are thrilled to have youlunch with their team, otherneed on acronyms, nicknames, here! leaders, and HR. Have peopleand company jargon.Preparation for First Day share campfire stories aboutRules of Engagement: Provide their time at the company. the rules of engagement so Workspace and Equipment:they understand the unwritten If there are options for work- End of Day Check-In rules of your company and team space/equipment, ask for theirEnd-of-Day Check-In: Sched- etiquette.preferences. ule time to check in with them Office Access Setup: Set uptoward the end of the day to seeConclusiontheirofficeaccess,includ- how they are doing and shareIt may sound like a lot, and you are ing badges, keys, and parkingwhat is planned for the rest ofbusy, but taking the time to imple-passes. their first week. ment these onboarding practices Welcome Gift and Swag: InviteAssignments for the Week:will yield enthusiastic, engaged, your new hire to complete aDetermine who will play a roleand high-performing new hires questionnaire for a small wel- in their first week and give themwho meet or exceed your expec-come gift and company swag. a specific assignment. tations.How to Win Over New Employees in Their First 30 Days 93'