b'RECRUITMENTvalue of your organization.tion, such as enhanced searchyour job postings and attract You can also share blogs fromcapabilities,InMailcredits,a larger pool of candidates.other companies and includeand insights into candidate14. Encourage Employee Advo-a thought-provoking questionbehavior, such as seeing whocacy: Encourage your employ-at the top of your post to pro- has viewed your job listings. ees to share job postings and mote interaction. 9.Engage Your Network: Lever- companyupdatesontheir 5.Check on your brand: Takeage your existing connectionsprofiles. Employee advocacy the time to find out what yourand ask for recommendationscan significantly increase the current employer brand looksand referrals. Your networkreach of your content and job like.Findoutwhatpeoplemay have insights into poten- opportunities.think of your company andtial candidates or know individ- 15. PromoteEmployeeTesti-ensure it matches who youuals who are actively seekingmonials: Feature testimoni-reallyare. Companiesthatnew opportunities: LinkedInals from current employees invest in employer brandingallows you to see who in youron your companys LinkedIn are much more likely to makenetworkisconnectedtopage.Positiveexperiences better hires, and the major- potential candidates, increas- shared by your team members ity of job seekers considering your chances of getting acan attract top talent.the reputation of a companyreferral and a more qualifiedBy combining these tips and con-before applying and refusecandidate. sistently engaging with the Linke-to take the next step if the10. Craft Compelling Job Post- dIn community, you can effectively reputation isnt strong. Yourings: Create clear and engag- use the platform to identify and companysLinkedInpageing job postings. Use keywordsconnect with your organizations allows you to showcase yourthat candidates are likely tofuture top talent.companys culture, values, andsearch for and clearly outline career opportunities to poten- the responsibilities and quali- Corporate Recruiters:tial candidates. fications for the role.6.Use advanced search fea- 11. Join Relevant Groups: Partici- The third most popular way to find tures:LeverageLinkedInspate in LinkedIn groups relatedSales Superstars is to use corporate advancedsearchfilterstoto your industry or specific jobrecruiters to find new employees, a narrowdownyoursearchroles. Engage in discussions,common practice among organiza-based on criteria such as loca- share insights, and connecttions of all sizes. Corporate recruit-tion, industry, skills, and expe- with professionals who mayers are responsible for identifying, rience. This helps you findbe potential candidates. sourcing, and recruiting poten-candidates who closely matchtial candidates for open positions your requirements, which can12. Highlight Company Culture:within the company.save time and resources in theShare content that highlightsSome benefits of using corporate recruitment process. your company culture, values,recruiters include:and achievements. This can 7.Use LinkedIn: Connect withattractpassivecandidates1.Expertise:Professional other professionals in yourwho are interested in workingrecruitershavespecialized industry so you can expandfor a company with a positiveknowledgeandexpertise your network and find moreand engaging work environ- in the recruitment process. potentialsuperstarcandi- ment. They are familiar with indus-dates. 13. Utilize LinkedIns Job Fea- try trends, candidate sourcing 8.Consider LinkedIn Recruiter:tures:Takeadvantageofstrategies, and effective inter-Consider using this premiumLinkedIns job features, such asviewing techniques, helping tool that provides additionalSponsored Jobs and Job Slots,organizations find the best-fit features for talent acquisi- to increase the visibility ofcandidates. They know how to 32 Superstar Study 2023'