b'RECRUITMENT3. Get Noticed ture video in your email signaturedidates something of value to walk Togetnoticedbytoptalent,to give people a sense of whataway with, such as their Top Talent there are several strategies youits like to work at your company.Report. This will not only help them can use. One effective way is toYou never know whom you maytoincreasetheirperformance utilizeemployeereferrals.Ourattract! throughout their career, but it will 7-year Superstar Study shows thatalso leave a positive impression of employee referrals are the number4Make theyour company and the value you one most effective way companiesCandidateplace on your candidates.find their future superstars. Experience Great 5Build Your Talent They know the job better thanThe competition for talent is huge,Bank Year-Roundanyone and have a clear under- and people talk, so it is important standing of what leads to successto make sure that your candidatesTo build a strong Talent Bank, it is in the role, and highly talentedhave a good impression of yourimportant to make recruitment an people recognize talent in otherscompany (even those you dontactivity that you do consistently, and want to work with the veryhire). One way to do this is by beingeven when you are not actively best.Askingforreferralsalsohiring. This will give you a strong shows your team that you valuetransparent with candidates aboutbench to pull from when a job theirinput.Ifyourcompanyyour timeline as well as the hiringbecomes available, rather than doesnt have an employee referralprocess and how it will work. Com- starting from scratch every time program, consider implementingmunicating well with candidatesyou need to fill a position.one. will help them feel valued and informed throughout the process. Waiting until there is an open posi-Another way to get noticed by toption to start connecting with top talent is to increase your presenceIt is also important to include thetalent can lead to rushed decisions onsocialmediaplatformslikeright people in the hiring processand a less-than-stellar hire. Man-LinkedIn. The majority of hires thisand get creative in how you utilizeagers who make filling their talent year will learn about positions onthem. For example, you could havebank part of their weekly routine social media, so it is important toemployees who share commonset their teams up for success both take advantage of this by setting ainterests greet your candidates fornow and in the future.monthly goal to increase your con- their interviews or connect yourMake a commitment to building nections and flagging your calen- candidates with current employ- your Talent Bank year-round, and dar to remember to post regularly. ees who can answer any questionsconsider setting aside one hour You can share information aboutthey may have. This can help toeach week to focus solely on con-your company or industry thatcreate a more personal and wel- necting with superstars in the field. demonstrates you are a thoughtcoming experience for candidates. By doing this consistently, you will leader, share photos and videosTo further streamline the selec- be able to build a strong Talent that showcase your positive work- tion process and eliminate poten- Bank that will serve as a valuable ing environment, and periodicallytial obstacles, it is important toresource for your organization.encourage prospective candidatesmake everything from your career to connect with you. Attractingpage to the initial application andConclusiontalent for a talent bank will servethe interview process as simple toThis is the time to up your recruit-you well in the long run. navigate as possible. This will helpment game and master these best Finally, you can take advantage ofto ensure that candidates have apractices for finding your future the real estate in your email sig- smooth and enjoyable experiencesuperstars. Make attracting top nature line. Consider sharing yourthroughout the process and will settalent to your organization a prior-purpose statement, core values,you apart from the competition. ity and set yourself up for success talent assessment links, and cul- Finally, it can be helpful to give can- in the competitive job market.5 Ways To Recruit More Superstars 39'