b'RECRUITMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsUnconventional Strategies for Building an Unforgettable Candidate ExperienceBy Alina McComasF intodayscutthroatcandidate experience, weve com-inding top talent is not easy, andpiled a list of ten innovative tips:job market, its only getting tougher. So, what can you do to ele- 1. Lay the Groundworkvate your hiring game? The answerCraft a job description that not lies in creating a candidate experi- only attracts the right candidates ence that blows the competition outbut also repels those who arent Alina McComas of the water.VP / Seniora good fit. Be honest about the Consultant, TheCompanies that create a top-notchjobs demands and highlight key Center for Salesexperience leave their candidatesstrengths required for success. By Strategy with a lasting impression. Imagine ifsetting realistic expectations, youll your job candidates could becomesave time and find candidates who your brand ambassadors, spread- align with your needs. Additionally, ing positive word-of-mouth andinclude the name of the hiring man-positioning your organization as aager and a transparent timeline to desirable employer. demonstrate your commitment to Neglecting or mishandling the candi- transparency.date experience, on the other hand, can have disastrous consequences.2. Make it Easy to ApplyIn fact, one in five candidates willMake it a breeze for candidates to actively warn others to steer clear ofnavigate every step of the applica-your organization (CareerBuilder). tion process. Ensure your career To help you create an exceptionalpage is easily accessible and provide 42 Unconventional Strategies for Building an Unforgettable Candidate Experience'