b'ENGAGEMENTWork-Lifestrategies now. Complete flexibil-ity may not be an option, but some Integration is a must.Secret #3Plan and highlightAlong with that flexibility, mental whatyourcompanyoffershealth support, family benefits, beyondbasicsalary.Demon- and salary are all concerns. Mem-strate that you are a leader inbers of Gen Z have watched prior supportingyouremployeesgenerations struggle with afford-physical, mental, and emotionaling their basic needs as well as needs in all aspects of their lives.with mental health concerns, so There is a difference betweenthis is another priority. Companies work-life balance and work-lifewith free mental health support integration, and it is one that manyand financial counseling are more people are struggling with as wecompetitive than companies with look to come out of our pandemicgames in their break rooms.worksituations,saidStephen Kohler, CEO and founder of AudiraRelationships and Labs. Work-life balance is focusedCultureon keeping your work life and your personal life separate, but equal,Secret #4Be deliberate about whereas work-life integration isyour teams culture and then be centered on the belief that thereupfront with your new hire. This is no distinction between the twois our teams mission, this is what and that both must coexist in har- we value, and this is how we mony. interact. Then, see if your candi-Gen Z is the first generation to havedate is a good fit for your team experienced multiple phases ofand if your team is a good fit for their life online. Most did a portionyour candidate. Take the Up Your of their schooling online, and forCulture free Culture Quiz to take some, they graduated from highyour Teams culture tempera-school, began, and sometimes fin- ture. ished college and began their workLets call it what it is. Gen Z got life online. Many have learned howcheated.Theymissedouton to get work done at a coffee shop,Proms,dances,Homecomings, the library, or even at the beach.graduations, parties, and a whole So, for them, work hours andhost of other things that would life hours are intertwined. Andhave helped them bond with high remember, many in this group hadschool and college friends. ManyFit within a job, parents who worked from homehave friends online, but few in realteam, and work part or full time, so they have beenlife. So, this group tends to look forculture represents raised with working from homeworkmates to satisfy some of the and living at work. They expect,relationships they missed out on,the difference even demand, flexibility in theirwhich brings your teams culturebetween a bad hiring work life. And this demand willinto sharp focus. Per LinkedIn, We grow stronger as they establish(need to) focus on understandingdecision and an and grow their families. So, thinkhow a new team member wouldoutstanding career.through your work/life integrationshape or contribute to the exist-136 Secrets to Retaining Gen Z Employees'