b'SELECTIONSales Talent Assessment (STA) Sales Talent Assessment (STA)Company X Top Performers Company X Bottom PerformersSales Talent Assessment (STA)Sales Talent Assessment (STA) Talent Intensity Index Composite Top Performers Mean Talent Intensity Index Composite Top Performers MeanContrast Performers Mean Contrast Performers MeanDate: March 5, 2024 Date: March 5, 2024100 10090 9080 8070 7060 6050 5040 4030 3020 2010 100 Drives &Values Work Style People Acumen Influence Thought Process 0 Drives &Values Work Style People Acumen Influence Thought ProcessAchiever Competition Responsibility E thic ork W Discipline Positivity Relationship Individualizer Activator Accelerator Learner Problem S olver Achiever Competition Responsibility E thic W ork Discipline Positivity Relationship Individualizer Activator Accelerator Learner Problem S olver Top Performers Bottom Performers www.TheCenterForSalesStrategy.comwww.TheCenterForSalesStrategy.comDrives and ValuesThe total score was not the only difference in the two groups. One of the most significant differences was the Drives and Values Themes Grouping, specifically the talents of Achiever and Competition. The top performer average in Achiever was 42.9% while the bottom performer average in Achiever was 18.5%. It was a similar story for Competition. The top performer average in Competition was 39.7%, while the bottom performer average for Competition was 20.4%.Another interesting takeaway was the high number of top sellers who had strength in Drives and Values. 86% of top performers had consistent, intense talent in Achiever while only one bottom seller had consistent Achiever. 100% of top sellers had strength in either Achiever or Competition.Top Performers Bottom PerformersWhat does this mean?The top performer group is likely much more motivated to achieve success. They have an internal drive to reach new heights year after year. They are competitive, love winning, and want to achieve measurable results. The bottom performers are less motivated as a group. They may be okay with mediocre results and getting close to goals as long as they feel they tried their best. Some of them may not consistently push themselves to achieve challenging goals and may give up more easily.Smart Selection Leads to Revenue Results 61'