b'INTRODUCTIONeffectiveness. Solutions exploration using open-endedcific real-time business challenges and opportunities. questions, forward-looking feedback, and a broadening of perspectives are important elements of this process.Its clear that Executive Coaching leads to By setting clear goals and developing a focused actionpowerfulgrowthfortheexecutiveand plan, the coaching client makes meaningful changesforthecompany,butwhataboutallof in their behavior, mindset, and performance. Foun- theotherleadersinanorganization?I dational to R|Ls coaching is the concept of enhancing Authenticity and becoming fully accountable for bothwanted to learn more.the intended and unintended impact of ones behaviorBeyond Executive Coaching, how do you develop on others. Coaching themes include raising the bar onleaders in an organization to improve team perfor-performance and next-level growth, onboarding into amance?new organization or role, executive presence, leading change, communication and interpersonal skills, deci- R|Ls leading-edge leadership development and certifi-sion-making, emotional intelligence, trust, collabora- cation programs are designed and facilitated under the tion, or building a high-performing team. umbrella of the R|L Leadership InstituteTM. Operating as a challenging executive learning laboratory, R|L Known for P&L Accountability Coaching, R|L measurespilots diverse in-person and virtual programs on a plat-the ROI and business impact of the coaching resultsform of interactive, experiential learning. The Institute by tying softer goals to actual business metrics. Onefeatures customized workshops, retreats, models, and CFO Coaching Client, Dave, was challenged to delegatemethodologies. Popular workshops include Coaching more and to empower his team to take on higher-levelCompetencies for Leaders, which advances the prem-work. Dave uncovered what drove and motivated eachise that effective leaders are effective coaches, Your member. Observing his team visibly raising the bar on their performance, Dave was tapped to lead the due diligence for a $40 million acquisition and to success-fully guide this transaction to close. He gained positive endorsement from his interface with senior leadership and, within 9 months, was promoted to Global CFO.While the coaching conversations are fully confidential between the client and coach, the coaching goals and progress toward their achievement are transparent to the boss and the HR business partner. In this way, new client learning and transformational change are more readily visible and endorsed. The boss and HR partner-ships are valuable in calibrating the action plan to spe-"Mentoring, in all of its facets, fosters inclusion and champions the best of learning from each other in a multi-dimensional communication: Mentor to Mentee, Mentee to Mentor, Mentees to Mentees, Mentees to Mentors, or vice versa."8 A Conversation With Key Executives'