b'ENGAGEMENTand provides a clear roadmap for the path youll travelDevelopment to get there. A strong vision clarifies what specificallyPsychological safety is one of the main ingredients in you plan to accomplish, is ambitious in nature, and,a strong, Valued Voice. Its the shared belief held by most importantly, motivates your employees to makemembers of a team that they wont be embarrassed, the vision a reality. rejected, punished, or humiliated for speaking up. Team 1 in 3 respondents isnt motivated by their companysmembers can openly voice ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. When you have psychological safety on long-term vision, a figure that is up from nearly 1 in 4your team, people truly feel comfortable being them-last year. And, checking back in on those fresher faces,selves. 45% of respondents employed 6 months or less arent motivated by their companys long-term vision, ifNearly half (48%) of employees arent always com-they are even aware a long-term vision exists at all.fortable being themselves in the workplace. Manag-Without a clear and motivating vision, overall growthers are much more comfortable2 out of 3 managers will be hindered. agree they can really be themselves in the work-place. As in other areas, it seems theres a disconnect All of this begs the question: if someone doesnt know,between the way managers are feeling and the mes-doesnt connect, and doesnt see a Shared Mission insage theyre sending to their employees. action, how can they be engaged?Do people feel heard? People Development: Growth,We all intuitively know that employee growth is import-ant, but when asked how focused their companies are Expectations, Feedback, andon developing their people, only 37% of those sur-Recognition veyed report their company is extremely focused on their development, and that is down from 51% last Are you unlocking the power of youryear. Even worse, more than 14% believe their com-people?pany isnt focused on employee development at allDig deeper into the data, and you learn that employee Investing in your people sends a clear message that theydevelopment efforts vary greatly depending on how are valued and supported. The best leaders use growthlong the employee has worked there. Sadly, the most strategies that include setting clear expectations, pro- neglected groups include both the newly onboarded viding effective feedback, and giving meaningful rec- (0-6 months) and the veterans who stuck by their ognition to reinforce the strengths of their people.companies for 6-8 years. Only 36% of the newest When done right, this effort pays off in increased skillhires and 25% of the veterans proudly report that their development, job confidence, loyalty, engagement, anddevelopment is a top priority for their companies. On THREE LEVELS OF performance! the other hand, a whopping 27% of the newest hires EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTHOW FOCUSED IS YOUR 1.Engaged15%COMPANY ON INVESTING IN Actively working to create aspark and constantly EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT?stoking the re. 37%2.Not EngagedEXTREMELY FOCUSED48%SOMEWHAT FOCUSEDMaking no e\x1eort, feet kicked up.NOT FOCUSED114 3.Actively DisengagedENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture ReportDumping water on the reand removing logs.'