b'ENGAGEMENTduce your brand during onboarding.and vibe of your posts should matchBoost your employer This way, employers control theyour brand. If your social media game reflects the same employerbrand with Top narrative, and employees are better equipped to understand the cul- brand voice you want employees toWorkplacesture. And thrive within it. experience, it will make your com- Makecredibilitypartofyour pany more attractive. recruitment strategy. Participate in 7. Use social media to8. Keep policies up to date Top Workplaces, the employer rec-reinforce your brand ognition program based solely on When you make changes to youremployee feedback.It begins with a When potential hires check outemployer brand, make sure they arebrief research-backed engagement your company on social media,reflected in your company policies.survey and includes the option to especially platforms like LinkedIn,This keeps things clear for everyonepromote your cultures strengths, what they see matters. The toneand avoids any mixed signals. regardless of receiving an award.Employer Branding Roadmap 127'