b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsHow a Culture Initiative Makes You a Better LeaderBy Deb FulghumY our organization is only asEmployees are strongasyourcompany culture. Building and culti- invested in the vating a strong culture initiative ismission a wise and fruitful investment inRallying your team around a uni-your companys future. formed vision and purpose helps Deb Fulghum Culture is directly correlated toshape your organizations brand Senior Talent Analystemployee engagement, so if youridentity, drawing people in who / Engagementculture is strong, your people willwanttobepartofsomething Specialist, The Centerbe engaged. They will show upbigger than themselves. When an for Sales Strategy andeach day with their sleeves rolledemployee has a sense of belong-Up Your Culture up,emotionallycommittedtoing and purpose, is ignited by this achieving success. This creates apurpose, and understands their powerful ripple effect thats feltrole in the companys success, true throughout the entire organiza- engagement begins.tion. Study after study shows employ-When you elevate team engage- ees will forego higher pay if they mentyouremployeesbecomeare engaged in a positive work invested in the mission, engageenvironmentwheretheyfeel their talents, reach their full poten- they can make a difference. While tial, your customers benefit, andmoney is important, a leader who your business wins. If your goal iscares about them and cultivates to be a become a better leader,a strong culture is much more guiding a strong culture initiativeimpactful.is the best place to begin. Working for a leader who lives by 120 How a Culture Initiative Makes You a Better Leader'