b'SELECTIONSuperhero selection What information do you receiveExpertsduring feedback calls that make them valuable when making hiring decisions?Sarah DobbinsMarket President/CRO, TownsquareFrankMedia, Portland and Augusta, ME palinoFeedback calls during the hiring4.Potential for Success: Ultimately, process provide invaluable insightsfeedback calls aim to evaluate into a candidates fit for the role andthe candidates potential for suc-the team. Preparing for the call bycess in the role by assessing fac-requesting a team composite andtors such as motivation, drive, having a Spec Sheet completedwillingness to learn, adapt, and will allow for meaningful conversa-tions with a Talent Analyst. Here areability to thrive within our com- amysome key pieces of information wepanys environment. Coplentypically learn during feedback calls: A structured feedback call process, 1 Fit with the Team/Team Com- alongwithaclearunderstand-posite: Assessing compatibility,ing of the role requirements and understanding team dynamics,desired candidate profile, ensures ensuring cultural alignment, andthese calls are productive and pro-exploring the candidates poten- vide valuable insights for making tial contributions to the teamsinformed hiring decisions.success are essential aspects of evaluating fit with the team. sarahJC Campese dobbins2.Skills and Talents: Going beyondVice President and Market Manager, the surface, feedback calls allowCox Media Group, Orlando, FLfor a deeper exploration of theFeedback calls allow for those with candidatestalents,suchaszero glare and more experience problem-solving abilities, moti- in talent assessments to give crit-vational drivers, and the abilityical feedback to hiring managers. to influence others. They help you better understand 3.Alignment with Expectations:the types of talent someone has - isJCFeedbackcallsprovideanit a consistent theme? What might opportunity to confirm the can- a situational theme look like? AndCampesedidate possesses the talents tothen how best to manage to those exceed expectations of the roletypes of talents. Ultimately, it will we are hiring for and ensurelead to your new hire using their their talents align with the jobstrengths and talents more effec-responsibilities. tively.Superhero Selection 55'