b'SELECTIONSUPERHEROSELECTIONNuggets of Knowledge from our Caped CrusadersHow do you use talent assessments during your Talent Superhero Award winnersselection process to ensure you share their expert techniques for selecting the best candidates forbring the right people on board?their job roles.Frank PalinoDirector of Sales, TEGNA, Seattle, WAWereviewtalentassessmentsAmy Coplen the best outcomes in moving sales with the portion of the interviewDirector of Sales, TEGNA, Austin, TX forward and closing business. Of panel that is on our leadershipOn the surface, the STA providescourse, we want candidates who team. Different leaders providea quick snapshot of a candidatesshow strength across all themes, different perspectives. That allowsstrengths, but you can also leanbut when narrowing the candi-into each theme and see a broaderdate pool, it is those who score us to dig into areas of strength andbest as an Activator and Acceler-how their strengths may fit intopicture of what you can expect inator that I move forward in the our mold of training. We want today-to-day behaviors and saleshiring process. Persons with these ensure our new team membersoutcomes. inherent traits live for identifying can start off on the right foot. WeEveryoneisseekingapplicantsclient needs and moving them to also look at how their assessmentwho enjoy the thrill of the hunt.solutions, they have a demeanor fits in with the overall team andIve learned from our CSS Talentof confidence when they position how any gaps could be filled in byAnalysts that those who are strongthings, and they anticipate issues their peers. in the Influence themes will havebefore they become issues. 54 Superhero Selection'