b'SELECTIONBottom line, if someone has thenew business developers out there,In the interview: You might notice innate talent for sales, they havewe found six specific behaviorsa candidate with this talent will talk the potential for excellence andthat the great sales hunters had ina lot about their accomplishments should invest time in training andcommon. Every sales job is a bit dif- and the recognition and rewards practice to turn their talent into per- ferent, but if youre looking to hirethey have received.formance. If theyre not hardwireda sales hunter, be on the lookoutOn the Sales Talent Assessment: that way, they should avoid the frus- for these innate behaviors. If yourThese behaviors are measured in tration and wasted time that willcandidate is hardwired with these,the Achiever theme.happen as they diligently work toyou know that the hours you will jam a square peg into a round hole. invest in their training will pay off! Motivation to WinInstead, they should identify their innatestrengthsandselectaDrive to Achieve Big These sellers love to win and hate career that allows them to use theirNatural greats consistently pushto lose! You can count on the fact strengths every day. Matching talentthemselves to be top performersthat it is important to them to be to task in that way leads to extremeand achieve quantifiable results,the best in any situation, win every growth and career success! keeping scores against their ownrace, and close every sale. Their performance and always pushingendless appetite for growth drives What Talents Arefor more. In the spirit of striving forthem to prospect more often and Necessary For Salesmore in everything they do, moneypush for larger sales. can often be a powerful motivatorIn the interview: Your candidate is Success? for them. Most will express a phi- likely to talk about their successes When we studied the very bestlosophy of go big or go home.often, ask about your expectations While training and practice are important for sales success, innate talent is key in determining an individuals potential for excellence in the field.66 Can Sales Ability Really Be Taught?'