b'ENGAGEMENTDont Avoid ConflictConflict avoidance is a common issue in company cultures. Most people want to be liked and may tend to avoid conflict because they feel arguments or disagreements will create tension with coworkers. Avoiding conflict can make matters worse and negatively impact your culture. Coach people to deal with conflict head-on and not ignore it in hopes that it will go away.Lead with EmpathyCreate a good environment for people by being approachable and demonstrating empathy in times of conflict. People will be more likely to come to you for guidance when facing conflict if you are open and show that you care about what they are going through.Bring Both Parties Together to DiscussAsk questions to understand the issue and listen carefully to both sides of the story. Ask thoughtful follow-up questions and work tostrengths and weaknesses. HelpFollow upunderstand the root cause of theidentify solutions that address theAs a manager, its essential to follow conflict. root cause of the conflict and haveup with both parties after the con-the potential to resolve the issueflict has been resolved. Check in to Brainstorm Solutions long-term instead of just a one- see how theyre doing and if any time fix. further support is needed. This Encourage both parties to brain- helps to ensure that the resolution storm solutions to resolve the con- Implement theis long-lasting and effective.flict. Provide guidance and support as needed. Its important to ensureSolutionthat everyone involved has a say inConclusion the resolution process. OnceyouveselectedthebestEffective conflict resolution is crucial solution, its time to implement it.for creating a positive work environ-Evaluate theClearly communicate the solutionment and culture. Helping people to both parties and set expectationswork together and identify solutions Solutions for how it will be implemented.to resolve conflict can create a more AfteryoubrainstormpossibleEnsure that everyone understandsharmonious work environment that solutions, evaluate each solutionstheir roles and responsibilities. benefits everyone.How to Build a Stronger Company Culture by Effectively Resolving Conflict 129'