b'SELECTION1.Culture Alignment : 6.Measuring Skills :Hiring managers will continue to prioritizeCollege degrees are the top requirement of culture. To build strong teams, companies mustyesterdays job descriptions, not tomorrows. select people who innately share their coreOrganizations today are increasingly shredding values and align with their mission. the paper ceilingthe invisible barrier work-ers without degrees faceand embracing 2.Non-Linear Career Paths : skills-based hiring, even for some corporate The linear career trajectory is fading. Employ- jobs long considered degree-dependent.ees seek diverse experiences, lateral moves, and opportunities to learn and grow. Business7.Contract Workers :leaders should embrace flexible career paths. Companies will continue to rely less on tradi-tional full-time employees and turn more often 3.Culture Ambassadors : to contract workers to help them meet their Companies will continue to rely on currentscaling needs. Experts recommend a ratio of employees to help attract and select top talent.70% full-time employees and 30% contract By greeting candidates for interviews andworkers. building rapport, they will gain an inside view of the job candidates personality and values,8.Creative Interviews :which are often overlooked during a traditionalBefore making a hire, many companies will interview. focus more on determining whether the candi-date is a good fit for the job using creative tools 4.Location Matters : like role-play interviews and mock projects.Organizations looking to attract and retain talent will not just try to find the perfect hybrid9.Employee Referral Programs :strategy but will look to tackle the cost ofEmployee referral programs and incentives are work head-on. They can do this by sharing thehere to stay. Companies benefit by gaining can-tangible and intangible costs of returning todidates who are a strong fit for the job, employ-the office and finding ways to reduce the totalees feel more their voices are valued, and the costs. new hires will come in with existing workplace connections to help them feel comfortable. 5.Strong Cultures :Companies with a thriving culture will win the10. Resilience and Adaptability :talent war. Organizations focused on strongThe ability to adapt to change is essential. Lead-recruitment will broadcast their culture, createers will focus on hiring people who have the standout candidate experiences, and pay closeinnate talent to bounce back from hardships attention to the values of those they recruit. and be agile during times of change.Selection Trends 53'