b'DEVELOPMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsHow to Win Over New Employees in Their First 30 DaysBy Susan McCullinY our next hire is important!went out of their way to make sure Right? Its probably one ofI felt part of their family before the top reasons managersI even started. It made me want tell me their job is hard. Findingto perform; it made me want to talented people is difficult, andlisten, learn, and push to do my once you find them, hiring themvery best.and getting them onboarded isHere are a few examples of simple Susan McCullin time-consuming and stressful.Senior Consultant,but impactful disciplines that can The Center for SalesYou have a lot to do, but investinghelp you and your new hire get Strategy time and energy in a few import- going fast!ant onboarding disciplines can give you and your new hire a betterWelcome Note and chance for success. IntroductionWhat To DoSend a Handwritten Welcome Note: Mail it to them imme-Immediately Afterdiately after the offer letter is Hiringsigned.I remember when I was starting inShare Interesting Facts: Share media sales. It was my second salesinteresting facts about the new job, and I was nervous about how Ihire with the team, including would get up and running. I wouldreasons you hired them.work with a team of super-talentedEncourage Team Connection: and tenured AEs. Encourage the team to connect I remember it well because theywith their new coworker and 92 How to Win Over New Employees in Their First 30 Days'