b'ENGAGEMENTStrong Culture = Strong RetentionIt looks like the future was as unpredictable as ever. Today, 51% of respondents report working in an office Culture is the missing puzzle piece.full-time. Thats a hefty 104% increase in the number When employees are fully engaged, they are emotion- of people commuting to work every day! So, what ally committed to their work, and they dont want tochanged? The biggest shift happened with those who leave. As engagement drops like it has over the last year,worked fully remote. While 30% of respondents worked resignations always rise. With that in mind, its not sur- entirely outside of an office building last year, only 14% prising that 43% of those surveyed say many of theirnow work remotely coworkers have resigned in the last 12 months, upAcross the board, a hybrid work model is still the over-THREE LEVELS OF from 31% last year. all fan favorite, with more than half (52%) of respon-EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT dents listing it as their preference. Beyond hybrid, sentiments differ by job role. 38 % of managers would Almost half prefer to be in the office, while 32% of employees would 1.Engaged prefer to be fully remote.(47%) admit they haveActively working to create aspark and constantly Identifying the right hybrid model is the hardest actively considered leavingTHREE LEVELS OFpartThe perfect hybrid situation can look very differ-stoking the re.their jobs in the last yearEMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT ent depending on who you ask, which is why company leaders are having a tough time locking their work 2.Not Engaged models in place. Overall, employees prefer being pro-47% of respondents admit that they have actively 1.Making no e\x1eort, feetductive outside of the office walls, leaning toward Engagedconsidered leaving their own jobs in the last yearkickActived upely w. orking to createspending 20% of their time in the office and 80% of Daydreams about quitting seem to be equally common aspark and constantly their time remote. Managers, on the other hand, lean among various job roles. 48% of managers and 47% of stoking the re. more toward the traditional setup. 67% of managers employees have recently toyed around with the idea. The most at-risk group, however, seems to be the fresh- prefer a model that includes as much as 80% of their 3.Actively Disengaged on-the-job time in the office 2.Dumping water on the reman class. Of those employed 6 months or less, 55%Not Engagedand removing logs.are already considering saying their goodbyesRegardless of their current work model or the one they Making no e\x1eort, feet kicked up. predict for the future, culture cannot be dependent The big question is, how do we better engage ouron the location where people work. Instead, a culture employees so we have more people contributing to amust be centered around a sense of belonging, purpose, roaring fire and winning over those who are dousingand a passion for the mission. This deeper engagement the flames? 3.Actively Disengaged allows the team to thrive regardless of their location. Dumping water on the reThe answer is to improve your culture! The better your and removing logs.company culture, the stronger your employee engage-ment will be. Its important that all employees, from the front-line to mid-level managers to company leaders, work in an environment where they can thrive. How and Where We WorkIn-office, hybrid, and remoteoh, my!Last year, when asked to make a prediction for the future, 63% of respondents envisioned themselves working in a hybrid model, and only 17% thought they would return to the office full-time.Were they right?112 ENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture Report'