b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsSecrets to Retaining Gen Z EmployeesBy Tirzah ThornburgA ccording to the World Eco- world of working people had their nomic Forum, by 2025, Genlives in flux. Some were hired and Z will account for one-thirdthen handed a laptop and told to of the workforce. They are bothwork from home. Others were laid unique and a valuable asset to theoff almost immediately. Many have future success of your organization. never worked a traditional office Gen Z has proven to be agile in thejob, yet now that return-to-office Tirzah Thornburg workplace, and they have a lot tomandates are being issued, they Senior Talent Analyst,offer when it comes to familiarityare being asked to return to an The Center for Salesoffice environment that is brand Strategy with and ability to use technology.new to them.This group grew up online, attended classes online, and learned how toBecause many got their start work-work and research online. They alsoing outside of the office, Gen Z have a distinctive agility and abilityemployees have a greater sense of to problem-solve. job mobility. They can work from anywhere, so they can change jobs Overall,GenZemployeesarewithout worrying about location. demonstrating their agility (greatThey have specific expectations of for employers) and their fearless- what their work life will look like, ness to move on (not so great forand unlike other generations, they employers). Heres why. Most whoare not afraid to hop to a new job or are currently in the workforce arequit even if they dont have another recent graduates, graduating fromjob lined up. In fact, according to college or high school at the start ofResumeLab, 83% of Gen Z employ-the pandemic. So, they have neverees consider themselves to be job known a normal working world.hoppers, and 75% would leave a They were getting their first realjob even if they didnt have another jobs during a time when the entireone waiting.134 Secrets to Retaining Gen Z Employees'