b'SELECTIONin the job, and probe to learn moreask for the job. will work. They are good at solving about your revenue and new busi- On the Sales Talent Assessment:problems and dont give up when ness numbers as well as the billingThese behaviors are measured inthe going gets tough.of your top sellers. the Accelerator theme. In the Interview: Your sales can-On the Sales Talent Assessment:didate, strong in this area, will These behaviors are measured inContagious Enthusiasm ask you smart, pointed questions the Competition theme. about the job, the company, and Upbeat and full of energy, theseyour process in filling the position. Confidence in Taking thesellers easily get their prospectsThey will also demonstrate how Leadand clients excited about theirtheir talents, skills, and experience ideas and give them confidence inwill match nicely with what you They are focused on making thingsthe solutions they offer. They areneed.happen, often taking the initiative to move things forward - and they can be very persuasive along the way.Thesesalespeoplecreate"The best salespeople are born and strong buy-in and move clients to solutions faster than most. built differently than the rest of us, In the Interview: If your sales can-didate has this talent, you mightwiredwithtalentthatcannotbe notice them selling themselves totaught, but can be refined through you! On the Sales Talent Assessment:training and practice."These behaviors are measured in the Activator theme.PersuasiveandConvinc- also optimistic, understanding thatOn the Sales Talent Assessment: ing even after a tough day of huntingThese behaviors are measured in filled with rejection, tomorrow willthe Problem Solver theme.These sales hunters read situationsbe a better day.well, naturally picking up on buyingThe Thing to signals, and they remove obstaclesIn the Interview: These are typi-that get in the way, effortlesslycally the candidates we fall in loveRemembermoving the client to the close. Thewith. They have passion and enthu- While training and practice are best of the bunch wont sell some- siasm, often lighting up the roomimportant for sales success, innate thing they dont believe will work,during the interview.talent is key in determining an indi-though. The great ones have highOn the Sales Talent Assessment:viduals potential for excellence standards and focus on creating aThese behaviors are measured inin the field. The best salespeople win-win situation that allows themare born and built differently than to win the sale while the client getsthe Positivity theme. the rest of us, wired with talent big results. that cannot be taught, but can be In the interview: If your candidateProblem Solver refined through training and prac-has a great deal of talent in thisGreat sales hunters enjoy doingtice.area, they will move you forward,some detective work, uncoveringStartbyhiringthosewiththe asking who the final decision-mak- the clients most valuable businessinnate talent you need so your ers will be and your timeline. Dontneeds, and matching those needsinvestment in their development be surprised if they close you andwith a strong solution they knowwill pay off in huge returns!Can Sales Ability Really Be Taught? 67'