b'DEVELOPMENTfocused on addressing weaknessesWhatiscausingthemtohaveleads to increased job satisfaction, and overcoming challenges. Thank- changes? Remember to ask andreduced turnover, easier recruit-fully, a paradigm shift is underwaylisten. Look for signs of burnout orment of future top talent, and a that powers coaching even morestress. Talk through this with thempositive impact on the organiza-by emphasizing the amplification ofand understand how you can helptions bottom line.strengths to unlock true potential. them. What can you take off theirOn the heels of the 2024 Super-plate or redesign together? bowl here in the US, Inc. Maga-Four steps to aAs you track progress, its alsozine published a leadership article successful coachingimportanttopraisepositiveabout the power of coaching. In behaviors often! The more, thean excerpt below from the article, formula: better. Remember, the more youKansas City Chiefs quarterback Pat-pay attention to something, therick Mahomes shared what makes Step 1: Identify Strengths more youll see it in action. Build inhis head coach Andy Reid the great-The first step in the coaching for- ways to acknowledge the desiredest of all time.mulainvolvesrecognizingandcoaching behaviors with incentive,For me, he brings out the best in understanding individual strengths.feedback, and recognition both pri- me because he lets me be me, Coaches employ various tools andvately and publicly. Mahomes said. He doesnt try to assessments, such as the Manage- Amplifying strengths allows indi- make me anyone else. I dont think ment Talent Assessment or Sales Talent Assessment used at CSS, to identify inherent talents, skills, andFor me, he brings out the best in me abilities. This self-awareness lays the foundation for customized andbecause he lets me be me, Mahomes impactful coaching interventions. said. He doesnt try to make me Step 2: Develop aanyone else. I dont think Id be the Coaching Plan quarterback that I am if I didnt have Oncethereisacomprehen- Coach Reid being my head coach.sive understanding of strengths, coachescandesignpersonal-ized development plans for each member of their team. The coach- viduals to operate at their peakId be the quarterback that I am if ing strategies are uniquely alignedperformance levels. When employ- I didnt have Coach Reid being my with an individuals natural abilities,ees are engaged in tasks that alignhead coach.ensuring that growth is not onlywith their strengths, they tend to meaningful but also sustainable.be more productive, efficient, andHe brings out the best in me.This tailored approach enhancesinnovative. This not only benefitsInjustsevenwords,Mahomes motivation and commitment to thethe individual but also contributesidentifies a hallmark trait of all coaching process because it meetsto the overall success of the teamgreat coaches, teaching a brilliant the individual where they are andand organization. leadership lesson in the process: leverages their top talents. Great leaders bring out the best in Step 4: Repeat their people.Step 3: Track Progress EmployeeswhofeelthattheirUsethecoachingformulato Track progress and performancestrengths are recognized and uti- amplify strengths, unlock perfor-withthecoachingstrategies.lized are more likely to be engagedmance, and bring out the best in Where are their highs and lows?in their work. This engagementyour people.The Coaching Formula: Amplify Strengths and Unlock Performance91'