b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYEmily EsteyVP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales StrategyCENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOGWhy Good Salespeople LeaveA ccording to a DePaul Uni- one year - youre close to losing68% of AEs plan to look for a job versitystudy,theaver- nearly a half a million dollars. within the next year.age turnover cost per Ac-count Executive (AE) is $97,690CouplethatwiththefactthatWhydosalesrepsleave?And whenyouadduprecruitingin a Glassdoor survey, only 19%whatcanyoursalesorganiza-costs,trainingcosts,andlostof AEs have no immediate planstion do to stop your top sellers sales. So, if you lose five AEs intoleavetheircompanies,butfrom leaving?100'