b'Correlation between STA CorrelationMTA Correlation Coefficient CoefficientTaking aspirin daily and reduced risk of .02.02death by heart attackAntihistamine use and reduced runny .11.11nose and sneezingSAT Scores and subsequent college GPA.20.20Alcohol consumption and aggressive .23.23behaviorWeight and height among adults.44.44CSS Talent Assessment and job .71.74performanceNot an Experiment,The relationship between takinginnate behaviors go from leading anantihistamineandreducingwithPurposetothinkingand Actual Science cold symptoms is a bit higher atactingwithAgility.Takealook Thechartabovedemonstrates.11. And the relationship betweenatthebriefsummarybelow, how effective this new assessmentSAT scores and college success isgrouped into five areas.willbeforyou.TheCorrelation .20 . Coefficient is a measure of howThebottomlineshowsyouDrives & Values:strong the relationship is betweentherelationshipbetweenourPurpose:Drivenbyasense twodifferentthings.MeasuredtwocoreassessmentsandofPurposeinadditionto onascaleofzerotoone,thejobsuccess.Therelationshipgoalattainment.Theirwhy highestcorrelationcoefficientbetweenoursalesassessmentincludesthreeelements: (whichisa1)meansthereisaand job performance is .71, andservicetoothers,personal perfect relationship. A correlationthe relationship between the newgrowth, and financial success.coefficient of zero means there isMTA and job performance is .74.no relationship whatsoever.Positivity:Drivesthings That is very impressive! To give youforward because they see the Lets unpack this chart: some context, the Department ofopportunity/possibility.The Laborconsidersanassessmentworddifficultisnotapart When someone survives a heartto be highly predictive when theof their vocabulary (it actually attack, their physician puts themcorrelation coefficient is .35. energizes them).onanaspirinregimen.Thatis becausethereisenoughofaThe Talents Needed Work Style:relationshipbetweentakingan aspirindailyandreducingtheWe are excited to be able to sayWork Intensity: About energy, risk of a future fatal heart attackwith certainty now what it takesfast-pace,andbeingon to warrant that. The Correlationto be a Superstar sales leader inschedule.Bestwhenbusy, Coefficient is .02.thecurrentenvironment.Thecreates own projects.59'