b'Engagement ElevatorsThere are four specific things that researchers have found the most highly engaged compa-nies have in common, and we call these the Engagement Elevators because focusing on them will effectively Up Your Culture. We can help you to understand and activate these elevators. Growth GuideThe Growth Guide is a relationship-development and performance-improvement tool that will help you to further the development of each person you manage. Every direct report will want and need something a little different from you, and that makes it hard to help each em-ployee perform at their best! The Growth Guide will uncover what makes each person tick, what motivates them, and what goals they have set for themselves this year.Ongoing Talent Feedback and CoachingIt is critical that your people are engaged and highly motivated over time!At the core of re-tention is the need for people to feel challenged, rewarded, recognized and important to the organization. Our certified Talent Analysts provide ongoing talent feedback and coaching to help you individually manage each one of your people in the way that is best for them so they feel fulfilled and committed to their work.Priority StrategiesThe performance of your sales organization is directly tied to the performance of each one of your people.So, it is key that you manage each person in the way that allows them to perform at their best.But its hard to keep up with each unique individuals needs and re-member to do the things we know we need to do.To make it simple, our certified Talent Analysts help you to identify the most important coaching strategies to commit to, those that will maximize performance of each person, so you can set them as Priority Strategies in your Talent Dashboard. Talent Dashboard ReportsThe Talent Dashboard provides a variety of features and reports that allow you to stay on top of everything you need to do to develop your staff and maintain strong engagement.Run a Team Composite to ensure you understand the areas of strength shared by most of your people so you can actively engage them as a team. Keep track of all the Priority Strategies you have set for your group and take note of the work you have done to build relationships via the updated Growth Guide. 135'