b'nect while limiting distractions. interview process is, you cant tru- counter and see how they react. Choosethemostconveniently know how someone will fit inThis will give you a feel for how placefortheinterview,whetherwithyourcompanycultureandtheywillworkwithyourclients thats a comfortable place withinperform in the role until they ac- and prospects.your office, a quiet restaurant, ortually do some work for you.a coffee shop outside the office.Thisiswherejobauditionsare6. ProjectsBut if meeting in person is not anuseful. Think about having a candi- Likejobauditions,givingacan-option, try to find a place that willdate come in for a trial day anddidate a project is a good way to still put your candidate at ease. In- actually work in the environment.measure their skills. Set the out-stead of sitting at your desk, findPlan well in advance what projectsline,expectations,anddeadline a comfortable chair or couch in ayoull have a prospective hire workas well as about how much time quiet room. This will convey a re- on to get a good feel for their skills,it should take (and how they will laxed setting to your candidate. as well as how you plan to com- becompensated).Thenevaluate Whateversettingyouuse,makepensate them for their time. them.sure that you will be undisturbed5. Roleplay Interviews If the candidate is asked to create andabletogivethecandidate yourfullattention.SilenceyourThinkabouthowyournewhirea proposal to your specifications, phone, as well as notifications onwill spend most of their time. Coldand you see poor quality or shod-your computer, and let your teamCalling? Working with existing cus- dy work, so will your clients and know that youll be unavailable. tomers?Whatevertheirfocusisprospects. Did they finish on time, going to be, try doing some role- follow the rules, use well thought 3. Panel Interviews playing around that. outresearch,andshowcreativi-Sometimes,severalheadsreallyty? If the answer is no, then think Pretendtobetheclientoraskabout whether theyre a good fit are better than one. Having a va- acoworker,whotheyhavenotfor your team.rietyofpeople,invariousrolesmet yet, to be the client and see within the company, sit down andhow they handle a normal situ- Its easy to get stuck in an inter-interview a candidate can provideation.Throwinsomeobjectionsview rut and ask the same ques-interesting insights. andconversationstoppersthattion over and over, but its import-One interviewer may be particu- are common to your business andant to find new and different ways larlytunedintothecandidatescommunity. How do they handleto interview candidates. Find what positivity, while another picks upthose obstacles? Pose a few spe- works for you and your company on an intensity that makes themcific problems they are likely to en- so you can find the best talent!uncomfortable.Listentoevery-onesimpressionsoyouhavea well-roundedfeelforthiscandi-date.Andremember,choosea comfortable setting at a round ta-ble so it feels more like a friendly get together and less like a tribu-nal .4. Job AuditionsYouve invested time and energy into your candidate, and if theyre hired, youre going to invest a lot more. No matter how great your 71'