b'ENGAGEMENT C A SE STUDYMindy MurphyEngagement Specialist/Culture Coach Up Your Culture (a division of CSS)How to Use The Growth Guide to Elevate Employee Engagement E mployeeengagementispowerful questions to gain in- Sonya: I learned that each team hugely important and im- sight into how to get the bestmemberisVERYdifferentand pactsproductivity,reve- out of each individual you man- that their goals are fluid. Many nue, and client retention.age.Managerswhousetheoftheiranswerschangedsig-Of the many factors that con- GrowthGuideunderstandthenificantly as they have evolved tributetoemployeeengage- valueintheseconversationsin their role, and my coaching and how they can help elevateplan has to evolve as well.ment, understanding what youremployee engagement. people need in order to build aDid you learn anything relationship with them, supportIspokewithLocalSalesMan-them and grow them can haveagerandpreviousTalentSu- you didn\'t know before? a major impact on engagementperheroAwardwinner,SonyaIf so, what was it?and retention. A tool called theVillamagna,abouttheGrowth Growth Guide, available in yourGuide process and how she uti- Sonya:Thebiggest"ah-ha" CSS Talent Dashboard will helplizes this resource. momentwasinthelearning youunderstandwhatemploy- What did you learnstyles area. As we are adapting ees need to be successful andtoaremoteenvironmentand providetailoredcoachingsoin the Growth Guidecannotteach/train/practice that they feel cared about andsession that will helpin-person,wehavetoreally want to stay.you better manage thetake a good look at our meth-ods. Training on a zoom meet-TheGrowthGuideincludesindividual? ing with a bunch of slides does 116'