b'team. Hynson said, "We focused onfivetalentthemesthatourWhen you focus on experience rather new salespeople would need tothan talent, you will always have difficulty be true new business Hunters." attracting good candidates and they will Those five themes were: Achiev-er,Activator,Accelerator,Posi- always be more expensive. Always!tivity, and Problem Solving.Byfocusingonthesefive themes,Hynsonknewthathe would find a true, natural sales Hunter that would focus on gen-erating new business that would begreatlyneededduringthe pandemic. Thesecondelementthat changedduringCOVID-19was thathissalesteamwouldbe workingremotely.Working from home added a set of issues that would complicate the pro-cess of any new hire during this time. Hynson also added three additional talents to his job spec sheet: Discipline, Responsibility, andWorkEthic."Thesethree talentswouldhelpusselect thebestsalespeopleforwork-ingfromhome.Webelieved that if our new hires didn\'t have strengths in these three themes, working from home would be a significant challenge," said Hyn-son.Davidwentontosay,"We passed on some talented, expe- DavidHynson,VicePresidentofSales,Dallas-FortWorthiHeartMedia. rienced salespeople that might beabetterfitatadifferentdifferent ways in 2020, but thecandidates for their sales team.time,butwehiredfivesales- organizations that accepted theHynsonconcludedbysaying, people who have the top talentschangesandlookedforways"Allofthisensuresthatwe that we need today. We believeto adapt to our new reality willidentifyandappealtothe those AEs will make a significanthave a distinct advantage mov- besttalentforourcurrent impactforus,andwerecon- ing forward. Hynson and iHeartneeds,andcoachtotheir tinuing to recruit more with thewere quick to adapt and usedstrengthswhentheyjoin same types of talents."the resources available to themus. That is helping us build a TheCOVID-19pandemicfromthesalestalentassess- stronger team for our new re-changed our world in so manyment to hire the best possibleality ahead." 27'