b'Ifthebestpeoplearestilleven if they had no immedi- Everyopeningthatsitsun-workingbecausetheircom- ate openings, much like sav- filledhasamultipliereffect paniessteppedintoretainvy investors jumped into theonyourorganization.One themandsupportthemstockmarketafterasteepopeningonastaffof18 duringthetoughyear,theydecline in March. means only 5% of your team arelesslikelytoleaveforaisopen.Oneopeningona new job. Besides, moving toWhy having topreducedstaffof14means a new company might seem7% of your staffing is vacant, riskierthaneverinunprec- talent is moreand if you have two openings, edentedtimes.So,wrest- important than everthat number goes to 14%. Its ingtoptalentawaybecamehard to sustain this kind of va-harder, not easier. before:cancy rate for very long.HiringrookiestofilloutaThink about it. If your pre-pan- If you have reduced the size staff got trickier because thedemic sales team had 18 peo- of your staff by 22%, EVERY numberofSalesManagerspleonitandyourpost-pan- persononboardmustbe wasalsoreduced.Whohasdemic team has only 14, youastrongplayer.Youcould timetocoachanddevelophavereducedyourmarkettheoreticallydragalonga therookieswhentheman- salescoverageby22%.Overmarginalplayerortwowith agement staff is smaller andone-fifthofyourteamdisap- the larger staff but not with busier than ever? peared, and that means fewerthe smaller group. You need Mostsalesmanagerssimplyprospectsbeingapproachedtop talent across the board. stopped recruiting, which hasand existing salespeople busier little effect initially but a bigthaneverhandlingremaining effectovertime.Thatwasaccounts that are still billing.born out by Q3 and Q4 open-ings that sat unfilled.There is STILL a war for talent. The very best managers and corporaterecruitingteams steppeduptheirrecruiting duringthepandemic 31'