b'the deal and make a sale, but they4. Earned Trust ment shows serious ROI. An anal-also want to communicate theirysisbyAonHewittreportsthat core values. Leaderslive out your core val- for every 1% increase in employ-ues! You dont have to be perfect,ee engagement, you can expect Havingastrongculturedoesntbut you do have to own and ad-happen on its own. It takes time;mit if you make mistakes. Rewardto see an additional 0.6% growth it starts with a commitment, andthose that demonstrate your val- in sales for an organization.it must begin with the leadershipues and refuse to tolerate thoseStudyafterstudyshowsthat team. that dont. positivecompanycultureleads to better employee engagement Four KeyHigher Employeeandsupportshigherrevenue. Components toEngagement =Nexttimeyourethinkingde-Building an EngagedHigher Revenue faults to needing more activity or changing your people or process-Culture Your people are your most valu- es,takeamomenttoevaluate able asset. Investing in companyyour company culture. You may 1. Shared Mission cultureandemployeeengage- be surprised at what you find!Having a mission statement isnt just a nice sentence or two writ-tendowninahandbookthat rarely gets noticed. Its a shared reasonforbeingthatgivesem-ployeesaclearvisionofwhere theyregoingandmakesthem feelliketheyarepartofsome-thing. Find ways to reinforce and to share the vision often.2. People DevelopmentIt starts with having the right peo-ple with the right talents,and that are the right fit, on the team. Get toknowthem,andbuildthose importantrelationsbylistening. Setclearexpectationsandgive theautonomytodotheirjobs. Provide consistent and meaning-ful feedback.3. Valued VoiceEmployees want to be informed andhavetransparentcommu- Unhappy employees cost American nicationthroughouttheteam. Knowingtheirideasareheardbusinesses over $550 billion each yearand listened to drives up the en-gagement.127'