b"Why is this happening? managersarentawareofthesegoals.Talented professionalswanttoworkforanorganization There may be a superstar on a team and theirthat will help them build skills and knowledge to manager would hate to lose them, so they holdfurther their careers.on tight, even if it means stunted growth oppor- Eveninuncertaintimes,managementshouldnt tunities for that employee. In fact, LinkedInsminimizetheimportanceofsupportingtheir Talent Trend report indicates that 70% believepeoples career advancement.the biggest barrier to their internal movement is their managers attachment to talent. 5 Benefits of Internal You may be pigeonholing (or labeling people) in their current position. This leads you to believeRecruitingthey may not have the right talents, when in- Didyouknowinsomeoftheworld'stop deed they just may! organizations, it's nearly impossible to land a job Many employees long for upward movement andinterviewunlessyou'realreadyworkingforthe future growth opportunities. The problem is theircompany?Internal recruitment is a way to save time, money, and resources during the hiring process.36"