b'15 Ways to7. Video MessageRecognize YourRecord a video and send it to the Employeesindividual with a thank you mes-sage.1. Social Media Shout8. Gift CardsOutsShowappreciationbypostingSend a gift card for the employ-aphotoofyouremployeesonees favorite restaurant to their social media and sharing detailsfamily when the employee has a about their wins. big win.2. High-Five Friday 9. Surprise DeliveryGive people the opportunity toSend a special gift with a note to give a virtual high five and rec- the employees home address.ognizetheirpeersaccomplish-ments on a weekly basis.10. Bonuses3. Recognition Email Provide bonus opportunities for going above and beyond.Send a recognition email to com-panyleaders,highlightingthe11. Learning and employees success and copy theDevelopment employee. Opportunities4. Success Meeting Invest in employees by allowing Holdaweeklysuccessmeet- themtoattendaconference, ing and allow each employee toseminar,orwebinarthatinter-share a recent success. ests them and further enhance their learning and development.5. Online Recognition12. Employee of the Platform MonthImplementanemployeerecog- Recognizeanemployeeeach nition platform (some have freemonthwhodemonstratesthe trials)toenhanceandincreasecompanys core values.employeerecognitionandre-wards. 13. Allow Employees to14. Maximize Their 6. Handwritten Notes Choose Their Gifts StrengthsSendameaningfulhandwrittenProvide them with an e-gift codeProvidethemwithfeedback notetotheemployeeandlistthey can use on a gift website soon their top talents and discuss specificpositivebehaviorsyouthey can choose the gift that iswaysyouwillhelpthemgrow have noticed. meaningful for them.their strengths.98'