b'ing together and, in some cases, collaborate more widely than we didbefore.Wehaveharnessed the power of shared screens, in-stant messaging, and education-altechnologytoolsthatexpand and enhance work environments andcustomermeetings.Dont miss the opportunity to bring the same ideas into your People De-velopment!Theabilitytobring morepeopletogetherpresents theopportunityformoreem-ployees to engage in large scale development and be a part of a diverse group of learners. When youeliminatethetravelandlo-gistics, you can expand reach and offer moredevelopment is no longer a singular event, it is avail-able whenever and wherever it is needed. ExplorehowAEscandevelop theirtalentsinnon-traditional ways, and how those talents can beapartofyourdevelopment strategy. Take for example some-onewithahighLearnertalent. We coach them by providing op-portunitiesforthemtogrowin the areas where they excel, and theysearchforopportunitiesto be an expert. As referenced ear-lier,yourLearnerscanalsobe great teachers. By allowing them to share their expertisethey as- Creating a learning organization is no longer sist in developing others while si-multaneously strengthening theira nice-to-have but a must-have.own Learner talent. They are no longerboundbyonlythosein geographicproximity,theycanlog of AEs sharing best practicesand FAQs arise, leverage the fact now connect with and teach oth- that showcase and build their in- thateveryoneisonlinemostof ers throughout the organization.dividual talentswe all have tal- their day and offer short, focused Technologyallowseveryonesents, and we all have non-talentscourses, webinars, and even pod-talents to make a greater impactbut together (through virtual col-than they could before. Considerlaborationandlearning)wearecasts that can be easily accessed creating a library or online cata- so much stronger. As challengeswhen a problem is encountered.83'