b'Just over 90% of managers offerize development, but if you build weeklyormonthlytraining,butstrongrelationshipsbylistening more than 3 out of 4 sales man- and sharing, it is straightforward agers still think that 40% of theirandwillleadtohappier,more salespeopleareunderperform- engagedemployees.Commu-ing. It is important to look at thenicationtouncoveremployees training being offered. What, ex- needs and wants will ensure that actlyareyouofferingtothem?managers offer the development For development to be perceivedemployeesarelookingforand as a learning event, it must: theGrowthGuideistheper-fect tool to facilitate the discus-Be informed by the needs andsion.Theconversationsparked wants of the employeesby the questions in the Guide is Have relevance to the currentmeanttohelpguidemanagers situation your AEs are facing inintheirquesttodeveloptheir the field employees. Development is best Offeranopportunitytoputinformedbyatwo-wayconver-the new knowledge into prac- sation that crafts and drives the ticestepsnecessarytobringpeople totheirfullpotential.Managers Haveaproblem-centered,should focus on the ways in which ratherthancontent-orientedemployees prefer to learn, as well approach astheareasofinterestwhere Withoutthesekeyelements,they are seeking growth and how managerscouldbemissingthetheyalignwiththeirinnateTal-markandleavingemployeesents. Remember, when we focus without the growth and develop- on our areas of natural strength, ment they crave.we can improve performance by 10 times, but our weaknesses by Personalize Learningonly 10%. and DevelopmentThe idea of personalized and in-dividual learning not only engag-Anorganizationwithalearninges employees, but it is known to that its important or very import- mindset offers employees on-go- haveadirectimpactonorgani-ant that they learn and develop iningopportunitiestoimprovezational performance. If you are theirroles.Thinkforamomentthemselvesandexploreideas,hiring for talent and fit, and then whatlearnanddevelopmeans.topics,andprojectsoutsideofpersonalizedevelopmenttoen-Although they overlap with train- theircurrentspace.Sirmarahance talentsit will make the ing there are distinct differences.Campbell-Twohill,SHRM-CPofbusinessstronger.Whenwefo-Training falls under the umbrellaLaSalle Network explains, Everycus on talent, the old idea of a set of development but should be re- employee has something uniquetraining curriculum for all doesnt served for compliance tasks andthey want to work on, and theymakesenseandinallhonesty new initiativescompulsory actsalso learn in different ways. Youisntthewaythatadultslearn necessary for regulatory reasonsmight be asking, how can we ac- best. There are a variety of adult ortechnicalskill-building.Learn- commodateeveryrequestandlearningtheories,butonecon-inganddevelopmentislearnerlearningmodality?Itmayseemstant is that learning needs to be driven and happens in perpetuity.like a Herculean task to personal- self-directed. 81'