b'Recruitmentisallaboutfindingandattractingnext growth cycle. Follow their lead by building the right employees to your companythe onesa strong recruitment plan and scheduling time with both the talents and the fit that you need.on your calendar each week for recruitment out-The more you focus on recruitment and buildingreach activity.a strong Talent Bank, the more options you willAs a whole, the virtual recruitment process is here have when it is time for selection. If you dontto stay. A recent LinkedIn study found that 81% of have that Talent Bank in place when a job comestalent professionals agree that recruitment will open, your standards will drop as you scramble tocontinue to be done virtually post-COVID, and quickly plug the hole.70% say it will be the new standard. In response, The most common way managers have found su- companies will need to ensure they have strong perstar talent in the last year is through referrals,recruitment and screening tools that will allow and the most valuable referral sources includethem to succeed in this new era.currentemployees,peers/othermanagers,cli- More than ever, future hires will come from with-ents, and friends outside the industry. inthecompany.Inanincreasinglytighttalent When you focus on your candidates experiencemarket, organizations will rediscover the benefits rather than their talent, you will pay more andof internal hiring and work to better understand quite possibly get less when it comes to perfor- how their employees want to learn and grow.mance. Instead, focus on their innate talent first,Hiring from within saves time! These new hires understand their strengths and weaknesses, andhave knowledge of your industry and company, then consider whether you are willing to train thewhich cuts onboarding time down and makes it skills they need to succeed in their role. easier for them to hit the ground running in their To successfully transition to either a work fromnewposition.AccordingtotheLinkedInstudy, anywhereorhybridworkforcemodel,smart69% of managers who hire within mention pro-companies are recruiting and interviewing with aductivity is accelerated as the employee is already laser focus on the specific talents associated withfamiliar with the internal systems and culture.anindependentworkstyleandincreasedac- If you conduct a talent assessment on your candi-countability. They are also passing on a few can- dates, youll be able to easily determine who has didates they would normally hire but who arentthe potential for success in your job and release aslikelytosucceedinthenontraditionalworkthose who dont. That doesnt mean you should structure of today. sendthemawayempty-handedthough!Their There is still a war for talent, and the very besttalents may not be the right fit for what you need managersandcorporaterecruitingteamsarein the role right now, but they may be perfect for stepping up their recruiting efforts even if theya job somewhere else. Consider sending those donthaveanyimmediateopenings.Also,itsyou dont hire away with a report like the Top Tal-only going to get more intense with the antici- ent Report that will give them some insight into pated economic recovery as companies competetheir unique strengths and potentially help them for the top talent they need to capitalize on thefind the right job for them. The more you focus on recruitment and building a strong Talent Bank, the more options you will have when it is time for selection. 45'