b'Do you ever move candidates through the process who are not recommended?Tim: Generally, the answer is no. I might make an excep-tion for someone who has a lot of experience and con-tacts in our industry.Allison: When we have made those decisions in the past of hiring a non-recommend, it hasnt worked out well. And why would you settle for less talent if you can have more? Are there specific talents that you always look for in a candidate for sales?Tim: Its always based on what role you are hiring for, butTimSkibbe,GeneralSalesManagerWTRC& anycandidatehastohavetheabilitytogeneratenewWAOR, Federated Mediabusiness.Asaresult,Iamalwayslookingforevidence of Activator, Competition, and Problem Solver. I immedi-ately look for those when I see their graph to see if that is something that I can help coach up. Responsibility has become more important right nowwhen I get back a recommend, it is one that I immediately look for to see if there is talent therewe need to have people that we can trust to do what they say they will do. Allison: Accelerator is an important one because it is all about sales and I dont want somebody that I am going to have to convince them that they want to sell. That is a hard thing for me to work around. Responsibility is also import-ant, especially since we are sometimes working remotely, I need to be able to count on them to do what they say they are going to do when I am not watching, because IAllisonDelagrange,GeneralSalesManager really dont want to have to babysit. This also comes backWMEE & WQHK, Federated Mediatoknowingmyself,Ihaveadifficulttimeifsomebody doesnt have work ethic. It is a hard work-around for me and I think every sales manager has their own pet peeves and dont compromise on that, it will drive you crazy and youll regret it in the long run. Ben:Individualizer,AcceleratorandProblem-Solver.For me, they need at least two out of three, if not all three. If they are a tick or two down in those areas, that means the rest of their talent needs to shine that much brighter to overcome the gaps. I would like to see two of the three close to or above the top performer line because I feel like the more I sacrifice on those three themes in particu-lar, my job is that much harder after the hire. A complete game over or were done is if their Responsibility isnt even in the situational range, it is almost an immediate kick-out.BenSaurer,VP/GeneralManager,Federated It is not worth it when they dont have that talent. Media/Federated Digital Solutions55'