b'view questions and if they still seem to be a good fit, I will do some of the internal boxes we need to check. At this point, I will call references and schedule the second interview. If I am consider-ing moving forward at this point, I will request a call with a CSS Talent Analyst to share what Im looking for and they share what they are seeing as well as what I might expect if I hire this candidate. It is really helpful to talk to the talent analyst be-cause they give me insight into how all the talents work together and that has been game changer for me. Also, sometimes they provide follow-up questions I can ask to see if the things they are lacking are things I can live with or strategies to work around where they are soft, which can be helpful to determine if we want to continue with the candidate or stop the process with them. If we still want to move forward, it is time to make an offer.Tim:Ifollowthatsameexactprocess.Iuse LinkedIn,jobfairs,andIhavealsoconnected withthelocaluniversities.Thatgivesmethe opportunitytoparticipateinmeetingswith college students who get to ask questions about sales and marketing. Our best candidates recently have been through referrals from employees and Tell me about your process. What doclients. We have a fantastic process that has been put in place and it works, so we trust the process.you do when hiring? How do you useBen: When it comes to sourcing candidates, we talent in the process? Where do youlook to referrals from other people, competitors, find the right candidates? people we have worked with in the past, as well asusingourownairwavestorecruit.Addition-Allison: First, I need to make sure that I know whatally, we consistently use Indeed and LinkedIn as I want, and while filling out the Job Analysis andpools that we need to play in to get enough leads Spec Sheet takes time, it is worth it. Then we getand OSTIs to compare. The average OSTI for our the job out thereon our site, Indeed, LinkedIn,team is 50.8, so we have set that as our internal Facebookwe try to cast the net far and wide.standard, so we are looking for candidate with a For those candidates who inquire or send their re- 50+ score and evidence of Individualizer, Acceler-sume, we think it is important to set the expecta- ator, and Problem Solver. The next step would be tions of our process - first step is to complete ana personal interview with one manager, followed online assessment, then based on the feedback,by a second interview with two managers. If we we will decide if they move to the next step in theareseriouslyconsideringatthispoint,wewill process, which is an interview. They are then sentreach out to the CSS Talent Department to see the link to the OSTI and if they are Recommendedwhat we are getting into with the candidate and or Recommended with Caution and they have thegather some additional follow-up questions and talent for sales, we will set up the interview. Incheck references. We do our background checks the interview, I will use the Professional Fit Inter- and if all is a go, its offer time.56'