b'Humans have a fundamental need to grow andWithstressandanxietyrunninghigh,leaders have a feeling of accomplishment, and this is es- will need to exhibit higher levels of empathy and pecially true for work life. Therefore, building aemotional intelligence, among other soft skills, career development strategy may be the singletoproperlysupportandeffectivelycommuni-most important consideration you need for yourcate with employees. organization and your people. You can determine what a person needs fromVirtual learning will become the norm. Even af-you by understanding their talents as measuredter we see the end of the pandemic, much of byavalidatedtalentassessment.Byknowingfuture training resources will be provided to em-their strengths and weaknesses, you can identi- ployees virtually, replacing physical events with fy the best strategies to get the most productivi- online learning and webinars. ty from them. They need to spend as much timeA recent Gallup study revealed that only one in as possible doing what they are highly talentedthree workers in the U.S. strongly agrees that to do. And they need to spend as little time astheyreceivedrecognitionorpraisefordoing possible doing the things they are not good atgood work in the past seven days! That is im-doing.portantinformationwhenyouconsiderthat You can gain a better understanding of how your69%ofemployeeswouldworkharderifthey employees want to be managed by using whatfelt their efforts were better appreciated, and many believe is the best relationship develop- without more recognition, these employees are ment tool available to managers - the Growththree times more likely to leave in the next year. Guide. Asking the right questions and listening really well will provide you with the informationTalent can only get you so far. A person has to you need to tailor your priority coaching strat- activate their talent in order to make anything egies.big happen. If they dont, its as if they never Companies should expect to experience an ex- even had the talent in the first place.plosionofcreativity.Foroverayear,peopleAccording to a DePaul University study, the av-were forced to find different ways to work, anderageturnovercostperAccountExecutiveis as a result, they became more efficient. Com- $97,690 when you add up recruiting costs, train-panieshadtoadapttheirstandardprocessesing costs, and lost sales. So, if you lose five AEs andfoundtheyeliminatedunnecessarystepsin one year, youre close to losing nearly half a thatwastedtime.Employeeshadnochoicemillion dollars. Knowing that, its important to but to step into roles that required new think- know that, according to Glassdoor, 68% of AEs ing and skill development, and they rose to theplan to look for a new job in the next year!occasion. This creative trajectory will continue a steep climb.Building a career development strategy may be the single most important consideration you need for your organization and your people. 105'